The United Scooter Association follows a philosophy of inclusion and "If you build it, they will come." We are committed to supporting our female athletes, and our street riders as much as our park riders. We also strive to create a rider division structure that encourages riders to continually move up and challenge themselves once they achieve dominance in any division. We understand that though using "age based" divisions is more traditional, the next generation of young guns simply do not fall into those traditional categories. Therefore, we offer divisions based on experience & skills, with a comparable age delineator side by side so riders can easily see the correct division in which to register, no matter what format they are used to. Click here to view our RIDER DIVISION OPTIONS. We offer a custom branded template to all our member organizations/parks for use in their competitions.
general COMPETITION Policies
The United Scooter Association's general competition policies follow the lead of the International Scooter Association and policies/standards that are generally accepted by the industry at this time. However, we fully expect our policies to evolve as the industry grows and changes. We therefore ask all our members to check back regularly to ensure they remain up to date on latest policies, and welcome any suggestions for additions/improvements. Please click here to review our current policies: USA COMPETITION POLICIES
Judging & Scoring Criteria
The USA offers the following guide, based on scoring methods currently in use worldwide by ISA & ASA and other major organizers, explaining how our judges are expected to score competitions, what our judges are looking for in a run, and tips to the riders on how to perform well according to these criteria. Please click here to review our current JUDGING & SCORING criteria.